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Federica Piccirilli
Researcher at Laboratory of Innovative Materials

I have been working as a researcher at Area Science Park since July 2023, focusing on advanced characterization of biological systems at the micro- and nanoscale using cutting-edge IR spectroscopy and microscopy techniques in the mid-infrared and THz ranges. My research ranges from tissue analysis through IR imaging to conformational studies of proteins. Recently, my interests have included the study of the structure-function paradigm of proteins, with a focus on the relationship between protein structure and its conformational flexibility in ligand interaction processes.


Research Interests
  • Proteins Structure and Conformational flexibility
  • Infrared spectroscopy
  • Infrared Nanoscopy and Imaging
  • Tissutal Analysis
Experience & Education
  • Researcher at Area Science Park, da luglio 2023
  • Reasearcher c/o la beamline SISSI-Bio di Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, 2021-2023
  • Postdoc Researcher c/o la beamline SISSI-Mat dell’Istituto Officina dei materiali del CNR, 2017-2020
  • Postdoc Researcher c/o il dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica dell’Università di Palermo, 2012-2015
  • PhD in Physics c/o l’Università di Trieste, 2012
  • Master Degree in Fisica alla Sapienza, Università di Roma AA 2005-2006