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Luca Braglia
Researcher at Laboratory of Electron Microscopy

I specialize in the study of strategic materials for energy and environmental applications using advanced spectroscopic techniques. My expertise lies in utilizing synchrotron radiation and infrared light to characterize materials, aiming to understand their atomic-level reaction mechanisms during operation. This comprehensive understanding enables the optimization of various systems. The materials I study include those used in solid-state fuel cells, electro- and photo-catalysts, and porous materials such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks.


Research Interest
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  • Operando spectroscopy
  • Energy and Environmental Materials
  • Catalysts
  • Metal-Organic frameworks
Experience & Education
  • Researcher at AREA Science Park, 2023-today
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at IOM-CNR, 2018-2023
  • Ph.D. in Chemistry and Material Science at University of Turin, 2017
  • M.Sc. in Material Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities at University of Turin, 2014