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Federica Bazzocchi

Researcher at Laboratory of Data Engineering

I studied physics at the University of Trieste and obtained a PhD in elementary particle physics at SISSA in Trieste. As a physicist, I worked on phenomenological Standard Model extension to explain flavor physics or dark matter. I gained experience as an analyst in a private company, where I started dealing with large databases and problems related to knowledge representation. Both experiences converged into what I do now: designing workflows for scientific data management in a FAIR-compliant manner, addressing interoperability issues related to scientific data, and identifying methodologies and tools for their optimal management. I am interested in the interplay between high-level data management and its technical implementation, as well as AI applications in the field of materials physics.


Research Interests 
  • FAIR-by-design
  • Interoperability and Ontology
  • Material Science
  • Data Infrastructure
Experience & Education
  • Research Technologist in Area Science Park, since July 2023
  • Fellowship in Area Science Park and business consultant, 2021-2023
  • Analyst at Allianz 2014-2021
  • Master’s in insurance and risk management, MIB of Trieste, 2013
  • Postdoc at Instituto de Fisica Corpuscolar of Valencia, at Vrije Universitet of Amsterdam and INFN of Trieste, 2006-2012
  • PhD in Particle Physics at SISSA, Trieste, 2005
  • Master Degree in Physics at University of Trieste, 2001