The event “Innovation drivers for the Adriatic blue ecosystem,” will present to companies and key actors’ innovative solutions for Technology Transfer, Innovation, and IP commercialization supporting maritime technologies in the Adriatic sector. Contributions and best practices by key companies are included to shape the innovation roadmaps and to share their experience in cross-border cooperation.
The event, which will be held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 4:00 PM at the Conference Hall of Area Science Park, is focused on services and business models applied to emerging maritime sectors and the applications of key Industry 4.0 principles to the blue economy.
Speakers of the meeting will be stakeholders and innovative companies of blue economy sector, such as the University of Zagreb and the University of Trieste, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), W-SENSE, a deep-tech company specialized in underwater monitoring and communication systems, and Optimad, with a speech on how to accelerate product development cycles and design processes using mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, integrated with AI.
A demonstration of advanced 3D visualization technologies in the field of offshore navigation and yachting is also planned.
The event is organised by Area Science Park and MareFVG within the framework of the Interreg Italy-Croatia BEST 4.0 and ECCENTRIC projects, in collaboration with the Order of Engineers of Trieste and with the support of the Italian Association of Naval Technology ATENA.
Full participation in the conference allows for the recognition of 2 Professional Training Credits (CFP).
Participation is free of charge, but please register HERE.