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Francesca De Falco
Researcher at Laboratory of Multiomics – Area Sud Unit

I have a master’s degree in chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies, thesis in molecular biology and PhD in Biotechnology. I have published 42 papers in scientific journals on topics concerning diagnosis and research on rare hereditary genetic diseases (choroideremia, lamellar ichthyosis etc), antitumor arising from cisplatin, anti-inflammatory inhibitors of transcription factor NF-κB, delivery of drugs with nanoparticles. Finally, in recent years I have acquired expertise in the veterinary field on papillomavirus (in particular cattle, sheep and goat) Leishmania Virus and Nocardia crassostreae bacteria.


Research Interests 
  • Infection disease
  • Molecular biology
  • Phenotypic fingerprinting
Experience & Education
  • Researcher at Area Science Park, since 2024
  • Postdoc at Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, 2013-2015
  • Postdoc at Department of Biochemistry and Medical Biothecnology, University of Naples Federico II, 2013-2015
  • PhD in Biotechnology, 2005-2008
Recent Publications
Vertical Intrauterine Bovine and Ovine Papillomavirus Coinfection in Pregnant Cows.
Abstract There is very little information available about transplacental infections by the papillomavirus in ruminants.…
Go to the news Vertical Intrauterine Bovine and Ovine Papillomavirus Coinfection in Pregnant Cows.
Molecular detection of transcriptionally active ovine papillomaviruses in commercial equine semen
Abstract Virological evaluation was performed on equine semen to detect the presence of papillomaviruses (PVs)…
Go to the news Molecular detection of transcriptionally active ovine papillomaviruses in commercial equine semen
Molecular findings and virological assessment of bladder papillomavirus infection in cattle.
Abstract Bovine and ovine papillomaviruses (BPVs – OaPVs) are infectious agents that have an important…
Go to the news Molecular findings and virological assessment of bladder papillomavirus infection in cattle.
Ultrasensitive detection and quantification of bovine Deltapapillomavirus in the semen of healthy horses.
Abstract BPV1, BPV2, BPV13, and BPV14 are all genotypes of bovine delta papillomaviruses (δPV), of…
Go to the news Ultrasensitive detection and quantification of bovine Deltapapillomavirus in the semen of healthy horses.


PRP@CERIC ERIC – Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade
The project “Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade” (PRP@CERIC) aims to strengthen the CERIC-ERIC Research Infrastructure through…
Go to the news PRP@CERIC ERIC – Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade