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Governance for a long-term strategy

Area Science Park is an institution with legal personality under public law with an organizational structure that separates the strategic and planning functions, governed by the Institution’s governing bodies, from the administrative and managerial responsibilities, which are managed by the in the Institution’s General Manager. 

The current members of the political-administrative, advisory and supervisory bodies are:


Caterina Petrillo

Full Professor with a Chair in Experimental Physics at the University of Perugia, former member of international scientific research and assessment steering committees and of the international research centre governing bodies, both as a scientific expert and as a Italian representative appointed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (now Ministry of University and Research). She has been President of Area Science Park since February 2021.

Board of Directors

Vice President
Massimiliano Ciarrocchi

General Manager of the regional Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian Industry) and of Confindustria Alto Adriatico, the Association of industrial entrepreneurs in the territories of Pordenone, Gorizia and Trieste. After being appointed Board Member of Area Science Park in May 2024, he also took on the role of Vice President.

Aloisio consigliere area science park
Board Member
Alberto Aloisio

Full Professor of Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions in the Department of Physics at the University of Naples Federico II, researcher in the field of radiation detectors and readout electronics in Elementary Particle Physics experiments at CERN (Geneva, CH) and KEK (Tsukuba, JP). He became a Board Member of Area Science Park in January 2021.

Technical and Scientific Advisory Board

  • Roberta Ramponi (President), Full Professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan  
  • Paolo Branchini, INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Director of Research at the Roma Tre University 
  • Giovanni Comelli, Full Professor at the University of Trieste 
  • Roberto Della Marina, Founder and Managing Partner at Venture Factory 
  • Lorenzo Fedrizzi, Full Professor at the University of Udine 
  • Maddalena Furlan, Chief Technologist at Area Science Park  
  • Massimiliano Spadaro, Technologist at Area Science Park  

Board of Auditors

  • Stefania Pascolo (President)
  • Giuliano Bidoli
  • Stefano Gropaiz


The Institution, under the responsibility of the General Manager, is divided into divisions and scientific and research structures.