Clonit Srl
Development, production and commercialization of in vitro reagents and innovative systems for the laboratory.
A wide range of products and services designed for infectious disease, genetic and oncology diagnostics at the molecular level.
Consolidated expertise in the biotechnological field combined with collaborations with academic and hospital centres of excellence, with ongoing involvement in applied biomedical research projects.
CNR – IC Institute of Crystallography
Research in the structural and functional biology of proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest.
Study of nanostructured materials, soft matter and agro-food.
Development of crystallographic methods and their applications in the areas of Chemistry, Biology and Earth Sciences.
CNR – INO The National Institute of Optics
The National Institute of Optics has been carrying out pure and applied research in optics for almost a century. Its activities also include technology transfer and training, as well as metrology, consultancy and testing services for both public institutions and private companies.
The Trieste Unit is mainly involved in quantum sciences and technologies:
– the Quantum Communications and Information (QCI) laboratory deals with cryptography and quantum communication and their integration into modern optic fibre communication networks
– the Artificial Quantum Systems (ArQuS) laboratory focuses on the quantum simulation of many-body systems with ultracold atoms via manipulation techniques at the single-atom level with metrological precision.
CNR – ISM Institute of Structure of Matter
Research in the field of solid-state materials and physics. Design of synchrotron beamlines in the soft X-ray band. Research of excellence in an interdisciplinary field among physics, chemistry and materials science.
The activities range from modelling to the prototypical creation of devices, passing from the study of processes to the preparation and functionalization of materials, the characterisation of their structural and electronic properties, and developing new instrumentation and methodologies. Application sectors: energy, environment, systems of biological interest, electronic and magnetic devices, cultural heritage and enabling technologies (KETs).
CNR – ISMAR Institute of Marine Sciences
The Institute of Marine Sciences carries out research in Mediterranean, oceanic and polar areas to study:
the evolution of the oceans and continental margins to define the activity of volcanoes, faults and underwater landslides and impact scenarios on the coasts
the influence of climate change on ocean circulation, acidification, bio-geochemical cycles and marine productivity
marine habitats and ecology, the increasing pollution of coastal and deep areas
fishery resources to maintain their exploitation within sustainable limits and improve mariculture and aquaculture practices
the natural and anthropic factors that have an economic and social impact on coasts and lagoons from prehistory to the industrial era.
CNR – ISP Institute of Polar Sciences
The Institute of Polar Sciences aims at:
increasing the quality of Italy’s scientific and technological research in the polar regions
contributing to knowledge on global changes (also in support of Italian and European environmental policies) and to the development of new technologies and survey methodologies.
Dr. Schär AG / SpA
Study of ingredients, formulations and innovative technologies for the development of gluten-free foods or other specific nutritional needs.
The Dr Schär R&D Centre in Trieste supervises all the research and development activities for the entire Dr Schär group in Italy and abroad, regarding dietary food products for individuals suffering from celiac disease and gluten sensitivity; low-protein diets for renal failure, ketogenic diets, and solutions for metabolic disorders.