illycaffè SpA – AromaLab
Development and application of analytical techniques for determining objective evaluation parameters of the raw material, green coffee.
Study of the chemical precursors of the taste and aroma of coffee in its various forms: roasted, as a beverage and in a variety of products.
ITS “Alessandro Volta” Academy for New Life Technologies Foundation
The ITS “A. Volta” Foundation is a higher technological institute, a “special school of technology” that offers advanced post-diploma specialist courses and trains highly Qualified Technicians in the area of New Life Technologies.
The specialist courses that ITS A. Volta offers, among others, are:
Highly qqualified technician for the development and management of biomedical IT solutions
Highly qualified technician for the management and maintenance of biomedical equipment, diagnostic imaging and biotechnology
Highly qualified technician for developing and managing telecommunications solutions and IoT devices for health.
K-Optic Srl
Development of underground plant/network/infrastructure monitoring technologies based on the use of optical fibres.
The startup was established as a response especially to two important market needs represented by the managers of the Integrated Water Service: the permanent monitoring of the aqueduct networks aimed at identifying water leaks from the aqueducts and the temporary mapping of water leaking into the sewers.
R&D activities, advanced consultancy and training in the sector of transport systems engineering, with particular attention to railway circulation, pedestrian mobility, transport planning (public and private), vehicular circulation and mobility management, integrating models and advanced methods of analysis, simulation and optimisation.
M2Test Srl
Numerical analysis aimed at characterising the mechanical and physical properties of complex-structured materials of biological and/or industrial origin, with particular emphasis on human bone structure analysis for medical and scientific purposes.
M2TEST has developed BESTest, an innovative test for the evaluation of bone fragility, capable of creating a virtual biopsy of the patient’s bone architecture, obtained from X-ray images, on which to simulate the application of forces to verify the bone’s response to mechanical stress.
modeFinance Srl
Fintech Rating Agency specialises in in credit risk assessment of companies and banks.
modeFinance has developed the innovative rating model MORE (Multi Objective Rating Evaluation) which integrates financial theory, statistical analysis and accurate numerical methods for credit risk analysis.
O3 Enterprise Srl
Open source IT services and solutions in the healthcare field, in particular regarding the management of biomedical images and clinical data (videos, ECGs, medical reports).
Its main business lines are:
Cloud-based radiology flow management for private centres and groups of clinics
Mammography screening flow management for hospital facilites.