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Primo Principio Società Cooperativa
Monitoring of environmental factors and adversities in vineyard: climate, soil, plants, and phytosanitary risks.  Advanced monitoring, implementation and decision-making support systems in agricultural and hydrogeological risk management.  Ad hoc services in the field of Research and Development for the Internet of Things, Wireless Networks, Innovative Education and Training and International Cooperation. 
Prodigys Technology Srl
Innovative technologies for both web and mobile, software cybersecurity.  Design and creation of user-friendly interfaces for web and mobile.  Custom Content Management Systems.  Design, implementation and support services for complex information systems.   
Promoscience Srl
Web–based solutions for technical-scientific dissemination, planning and management of European research projects.
Rhazes Srl
Development of devices for rapidly diagnosing myocardial infarction and polymetric scaffolds using carbon nanotubes.
Shoreline Società cooperativa
Services and technologies for managing, protecting and exploiting the marine environment; setting up of temporary exhibitions and visitor centres; scientific outreach.  Shoreline is a point of reference for WWF Italy concerning marine issues at a national level and is actively involved in the management of WWF coastal protected areas.  The areas of activity concern:  Consulting for marine and coastal protected areas  monitoring activities in protected natural areas in the field of eco-ethology and physical chemistry of marine waters  marine research and aquaculture.
T-Connect Srl
Next-generation Wireless and Location Based Services applications for mobile devices.  Research and development of innovative applications for third-generation platforms supported by location-tracking features.
T&B e associati Srl
Financial and legislative advice for businesses, identification of tools for the growth and innovation of SMEs.
Tellus Srl
Desktop and web-based applications in the Geographic Information Systems sector, including applications in logistics, in the management of fleets of transport vehicles, and in studying and monitoring the territory.
Termovoltaica Srl
Energy optimisation systems with hybrid solar panels connected to heat pumps and integrated with electrochemical accumulators. Design and implementation of processes and systems powered by renewable sources for the combined production of electrical and thermal energy, including hybrid thermo-photovoltaic solar panels connected to heat pumps and integrated with electrochemical accumulators.
Test Veritas Srl
Development of materials for quality assessment of agro-food analyses.   Test Veritas offers products and services that are useful for quality assessment of agro-food analyses. These include designing and creating matrix reference materials for various types of food analyses. 
ThunderNIL Srl
Development and commercialisation of technologies for high-speed micro- and nanostructuring of surfaces. Manufacturing micro and nano-structured devices and supports. ThunderNIL developed the Pulsed-NIL™ surface nanostructuring solution, which can be applied to a wide range of industries and gives everyday objects additional functionality and unique aesthetic elements.
Transpobank Srl
Web-based solutions for satellite tracking of vehicle fleets in the field of road transport and goods handling. Cargo and freight interchange platforms aimed at minimising transport asymmetries.