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Research Projects 

All projects in Area Science Park

In progress
AntiViralStress – Investigating the synergetic role of ER stress in mounting an antiviral response
In progress
BEST 4.0 – Blue Economy Sectors Digital Transformation towards Industry 4.0
In progress
EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
In progress
In progress
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on genome integrity and their involvement in inflammation and neuropathogenesis
In progress
IMPRESS – Interoperable electron Microscopy Platform for advanced RESearch and Services
In progress
IN-PLAN – Integrated Energy, Climate and Spatial planning
In progress
INFIRE – INnovative FInancing solutions for climate planning of REsilient and carbon neutral living areas
In progress
Innovation Intelligence FVG
In progress
In progress
NEXTSTEP – PhD Programme
In progress