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Innovative Materials

Resources and laboratories dedicated to advanced material characterisation: imaging techniques, structural analysis and chemical characterisation

Area Science Park aims to become a national reference hub for the advanced characterization of materials in the fields of energy, semiconductor electronics, emerging oxide electronics, spintronics, orbitronics and electronics based on organic and organic/inorganic hybrid materials.

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory

A standout in the national landscape, our electron microscopy laboratory boasts state-of-the-art instrumentation and cutting-edge imaging and analytical capabilities. The leading element is a next-generation double-corrected TEM/STEM microscope. Equipped to European standards, LAME’s scientific mission is to develop competitive research programs in materials science and nanotechnology.

Open Lab Innovative Materials

Thanks to the collaboration with the major laboratories in Area Science Park, such as Elettra Sincrotrone and FERMI, cutting-edge instrumentation and expertise are available to researchers and companies. Applications range from nanotechnology and the development of nanostructured materials to failure analysis and process control in industrial activities.

Scientific seminars calendar

Participate and get in touch with a growing and engaging research community

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Brilliant and determined minds are always welcome in Area Science Park! Become part of our team and work in a dynamic and collaborative environment, contributing to the scientific progress we are driving.