The Electron Microscopy Laboratory (LAME), established in 2022, is focused on advanced characterisation of materials and it is part of the Open Lab Innovative Materials.
Equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, with its flagship tool being a double-corrected TEM microscope featuring advanced analytical capabilities, LAME conducts cutting-edge research in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It operates in complete synergy with the research infrastructures (such as Elettra Sincrotrone and FERMI), institutes and companies located at Area Science Park.
Scaled to European standards, LAME also has the scientific mission of providing open access to its instrumentation and supporting competitive research programmes proposed by academic and industrial users across national and European territories.
Main research areas
TEM/STEM characterisation of nanostructures and study of interfacial properties and strain phenomena in thin-film heterostructures of complex oxides and strongly correlated electronic systems. The materials studied include:
- Perovskite Oxides (TiO2, La0,7Sr0,3MnO3, …)
- Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (e.g. MoS2, WSe2 …)
- Topological Insulators (e.g. Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, …).
TEM/STEM characterisation of materials systems relevant to energy applications. These studies are performed in various environments (gas, liquid, ambient pressure) and under different stimuli (electrical and/or magnetic bias, heating and/or cooling). The experimental activities include the technological development of microreactors for in-situ/in-operando TEM/STEM experiments, combined with synchrotron light experiments. Current projects focus on the study of nanocatalysts and nanoparticles for solar cell devices in reactive environments, as well as liquid and solid-state batteries.
LAME is actively involved in both national and international research projects and serves as one of the key nodes in the IMPRESS project. This project aims to revolutionize the field of electron microscopy through the development of interoperable technological prototypes.
Equipped with dual EDS detectors, a CEOS CEFID EELS spectrometer, and a DECTRIS ELA hybrid pixelated camera for energy-filtered 4DSTEM. The microscope is also optimized for tomographic and in situ analysis. (Now under commissioning, open to users from November 2024).
Features image correction with probe correction, achieving sub-Angstrom resolutions. Equipped with dual EDS detectors, a CEOS CEFID EELS spectrometer, a DECTRIS ELA hybrid pixelated camera for energy-filtered 4DSTEM, and an electron dose modulator (to be installed in September 2025).
Designed for in situ TEM lamella preparation and advanced material characterisation in low vacuum mode, equipped with an EDS detector. It is optimized for “slice and view” applications and controlled atmosphere sample transfer. (Now under commissioning, open to users from October 2024).
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