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Innovative materials

Synthesis, characterization, functional testing and ageing analysis of bifunctional Zn-air battery GDEs, based on α-MnO2…

Abstract Electrically rechargeable alkaline zinc air batteries (RZAB) – currently still at the R&D stage…

Unveiling the Electronic Structure of Pseudotetragonal WO3 Thin Films

Abstract WO3 is a 5d compound that undergoes several structural transitions in its bulk form. Its…

The Interaction of Amines with Gold Nanoparticles

Abstract Here, we present an integrated ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) apparatus for the growth of complex materials…

Evidence of silicide at the Ni/ β-Si3N4(0001)/Si(111) interface

Abstract We present a study of a sub-nanometre interlayer of crystalline silicon nitride at the Ni/Si interface.…

Nd:YAG infrared laser as a viable alternative to excimer laser: YBCO case study

Abstract We report on the growth and characterization of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) complex oxide thin films…

Dual pulsed laser deposition system for the growth of complex materials and heterostructures

Abstract Here, we present an integrated ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) apparatus for the growth of complex materials…