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High-level glossary for materials science workflows

12 March 2025
Conference Hall, Building C, Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste
Rossella Aversa, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Deutschland)

In the context of data management, a shared descriptive structure and a common terminology are key to favour interoperability, reuse, and exchange of research data among different communities. At the same time, it is convenient to adopt existing results and collaboratively build on top of them.

As a proposed starting point towards a common description of terms related to nanoscience and materials science workflows, the latest version of the high-level glossary co-developed by Helmholtz JL-MDMC, NFFA-Europe Pilot and NFDI-MatWerk will be presented. This joint effort aims at reflecting the lifecycles and at tracking the provenance of entities and data collected during research studies, from the fabrication of a material to scientific publications, and then archived for further data discovery and data sharing.

As an application use case, it will be shown how a terminology service can be used to make the terms machine actionable.

Complementary to the semantics, the concept of a modular approach in the metadata schema design will be approached to find together an agreed solution.