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Education, thesis and internships

Join our community by participating in Master’s programmes, advanced training courses, internships, doctorates and degree theses. Discover all current opportunities.


“Phenotypic Fingerprinting School”: a training opportunity at Area Science Park for two STEM graduates external to the PRP@CERIC project partnership

Deadline: 26 July 2024

A theoretical and practical training opportunity that, by using complementary and integrable approaches and techniques, allows participants to discover the fingerprints of cellular metabolic pathways disrupted by infections and the response to drugs.

The teaching will be conducted in English and hosted in Trieste at the laboratories of Area Science Park, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, ICGEB and the Istituto Officina dei Materiali-CNR. It is structured into two sessions, totalling approximately 150 hours. Several topics will be covered: from host-pathogen interaction cellular models to RNA sequencing, micro and nanofabrication for biology and chemical cytology, as well as data analysis, integration and management.

The requirements for submitting your application are:

  • Holding a Master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree (old system) in STEM subjects;
  • Proficiency in English;
  • Enjoyment of civil and political rights in the country of citizenship or origin.

Phenotypic Fingerprinting School_Training programme notice

Annex 1_Expression of interest_Phenotypic Fingerprinting School


In situ/operando Electron Microscopy and correlative techniques on energy materials as part of the 40th PhD cycle at the University of Trieste.

Deadline: 13 June 2024

The research focus of this PhD programme, which will take place at the LAME – Electron Microscopy Laboratory at Area Science Park, is the development of correlative approaches based on the combination of TEM microscopy and spectroscopic techniques for exploring the properties of various material systems in different environments and under different stimuli, in in situ/operando conditions.

In particular, the experimental work will focus on the development of microreactors for combined approaches using a mixture of TEM microscopy and synchrotron radiation. This research will be carried out in close collaboration with the nanofabrication and synchrotron groups based within the research centres at Area Science Park.